It was difficult to stop yawning and falling asleep when listening to the lectures. Some of the terms that were used were beyond my comprehension. Of course, it was very useful information – I just wish it could have been a little more lively and realistic. I would have loved to visit hospitals and respond to emergency situations where I could see blood everywhere. LOL.
Doing the mock up situations where we had to deal with passengers having different kind of illnesses was kind of lethargic in my expectation of the training. I was ready to cut some bones! See some fractures! Bury a dead guy! LOL. I sound insane.
It was fascinating though, how my confidence in assessing signs and symptoms of sicknesses increased tenfold in just a week. Now I know how to respond to passengers having angina, heart attack, diabetes, anaphylactic shocks, seizures, and such. I can also deliver a baby now, as we were also thought what to do in case of birth on board. I would love to put it to good use someday!
I’d also like to document the stupid thing I did in my practical exam. I was doing the CPR, when my thumb nail bent backwards, tearing up my nail bed, causing blood to pool around my cuticle. The pain was unbelievable. Then I started to rant why Emirates didn’t want us to have short nails. Others wondered why I was fussing about my nail so much when it was only a small wound. Gee, I wondered how they’d feel when they have their nails torn away from their fingers. You wouldn’t have noticed it, my blood had dried up around my finger, blending in with the fire red nail polish I had on. Argh!
Oh, before I forget, let me tell you about what happened before the medical training. We had to go through one day of security training where we had self
But it’s all good now. Finished! Next week we’re starting with Service training.
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