You could very well taste the icing circulating in the cabin;we gave so many cakes to newlyweds that we had to give away champagnes too! We can’t let them alone with all those sugary goodness without love potions to chug ‘em down.
Since it was my first layover in another country, I felt that the 5-hour flight was too long – or maybe that was just the excitement in me dragging the time. Gahhhd! I just wanted to tear off my uniform and head for the water!
When we got out of the aircraft, the warm, moist wind swept my veil, making my skin feel clammy and sticky. This was the same feeling as being on one of the beaches in the Philippines. Nice.
The resort we were going to stay at wasn't very far. We were greeted by this local guy wearing a Hawaiian shirt, holding a tray of drinks. It was a deep amber concoction with a little cherry skewered on the glass. Yum! I gulped it down as my eyes wandered around.
The view was breathtaking! I couldn’t put into words how it was like to be there; standing beside a Mediterranean inspired fountain, tropical plants abound, a deep aqua infinity pool that made an illusion of continuity to the sapphire waters of the ocean. And it was lovely how coconut trees framed every seating area- I just couldn’t believe how many species of birds were frolicking around 'em!
Though my body was aching and I felt limp from fatigue, my mind was immediately restored to a cool, relaxed state. When I entered my room, I fell in love with the interior. It was simple, yet something about it recaptured my interest in interior design. It had this charming balcony where there were plenty more coconut trees barely blocking the beautiful shore of Mauritius. I took it all in, before changing into a more comfortable attire.
I met with some of the girls, and strolled around the sandy resort. After taking pictures, we felt famished and conquered a table just outside this quaint restaurant. We were informed that we could order anything we wanted in the menu, anything at all, and our company will pay for everything. I love my life! Waah! I’m so lucky! LOL
I ordered steak, octopus, fruit platter, and some yummy colorful drinks! I ate so much, I almost ordered everything on the Menu! And how could I forget this fat bird that wasn’t afraid feeding off my feet just to get the crumbs falling off my plate. I thought it was adorable so I kept feeding him bread crumbs. Lucky little birdie!
For a moment, I sure felt I was back home.. sweet home in tropical Philippines
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