Singapore is incomparable! I love it!
It is in this place that I was able to dream of a wonderful future. *sigh*
I have friends who were working here, and I’ve contacted them and told them of my arrival. They met up with me and it was just like the old times again!
I remember worrying that I might get lost or my friend might not show up at our meeting place. I worried for nothing because I was taken directly to the address that I showed this nice taxi driver, and I stood in front of 7-11 for a few minutes before I saw my friend finishing up his cigarette by the bus stop. Apparently, he was waiting for me there, thinking I got on the bus. Heck no, I always take a cab when I’m an alien.
I was hungry so the first thing we did was EAT. If you love eating, Singapore would definitely be a paradise. I was drooling the entire time. But first, we had to go up the establishment were my friend was working so he could leave his things and tour me around. He pointed out to me the place where he usually buys his lunch and I decided to have a try. It was a small cafeteria-like place and there were trays of fresh vegetables, seafood, dumplings, and meat on the table. To order, you’d pick the ingredients you want and you put it in your bowl.
Take me to the Mr. Lion!
It may not be in Sentosa, but Mr. Lion is Mr. Lion.
..and look, Lion Junior.
Is this Durian???
Welcome to Esplanade!
Singapore looks a whole lot better with this structure poking out in the middle of the city.
After a day of LOOKIE! LOOKIE! We plopped down the cushiony seats of Starbucks - facing lion junior, under a bridge- with very cold frapuccinos.
Ahhh... life.
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